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"To become a global leader in ground breaking science fiction entertainment"


Studio Nagarajan was founded by The Count in 2017 to produce premium cinema with ground-breaking changes to established norms in the world of film over the past century. The filmmaking process of Studio Nagarajan is exquisite, to say the least, and works tirelessly to provide a premium experience to all stakeholders, regardless of the stage of the productions. 


Studio Nagarajan was founded on principles such as the strength of perseverance and the power of quality. This stemmed from several years of research into the filmmaking process done by several team members.


Studio Nagarajan strives to create works of art that break the fundamental definition of a film without crossing the border into experimental cinema. All products are streamlined and shaped to fit perfectly into industry standards while breaking several rules in the process to create a unique experience for the audience such that it has never encountered before.


Provide premium quality science fiction experiences for audiences around the world by utilizing pioneering technology, working with the best talents and breaking fundamental conventions in the entertainment industry


Relentlessly persevere

Redefine the present

Inspire love

Flip conventions

Pioneer standards


Focus on the details

Build a friendly environment

Break barriers

Encourage ideas

Inspire love

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